With the Charlotte NACAC fair happening this month, we're sharing insider tips to help you prepare for college visits at your school:
Register ahead of time: Make sure you know what schools will be there and make a plan concerning which colleges you want to talk to. That plan includes:
Doing your research ahead of time
Skipping local schools (unless there's one that's your absolute favorite). You can reach out or visit them any time
Try to talk to at least 2-3 schools you’ve never heard or that have sent you information
Bring your information: If you don’t have a QR code with your personal information on your phone, make labels with your full name, name of your high school, current GPA, graduation year, intended major, and address.
What to wear: Avoid wearing any college gear, keep it neutral (if anything, wear your HS gear.) Colleges notice what you wear and how you present yourself - be mindful of what you choose to wear and maybe brush those teeth!
When you get to a college admissions representative’s table...
Don’t ask anything that you can’t already find online or in a brochure
Ask about what the school offers based on your specific career and social goals (social goals can include club sports, clubs, Greek life, etc.)
Don’t shy away from asking about campus culture, student body, etc.
Ask the admissions officer if they attended the college and even if they didn’t, ask them why you should choose that school
PRO TIP: Save the more in-depth questions for a follow-up conversation with your admissions representative
Expect to spend 2-3 minutes at each table (work on an elevator pitch that includes who you are and what you're looking for)
Try not to mention or compare other schools when talking to a representative
Take their materials - brochures and any other campus swag
Follow up: Email the college representative from your top 5 colleges to say it was nice meeting them and one thing you remembered about the conversation. This will help you develop demonstrated interest. And trust us, representatives remember students from college fairs! We sure did!